Sunday, May 9, 2010

So this is blogging... hmmmm

Finally decided to start a blog.  Always wanted to start one, but never really took the time to learn about it (still haven't).  So, any tips or hints or ideas will be greatly appreciated and accepted.  (HTML is a whole new concept for this non-computer brain)

So you may be wondering what this blog is going to be about.  1st - my job, aka my life, as a medic.  I will do my best to change things to protect the innocent, as well as the guilty.  If you think I have failed in that in any way, please police me and let me know.  I have a tendency to ramble and forget things due to #2.

2nd - In October 2008, I was diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis of unknown origin.  I have never been a drinker.  At least not a daily drinker.  Maybe twice a year, but never really liked the taste of it.  No one can tell me how or why I have been so blessed with this disease.  I am on more meds than most of my patients combined.  I have a (relatively) strict diet.  I have had so many tests and procedures done, that I have become resistant to most of the milder drugs used for anesthesia, which my one GI doc still (to this day) reminds me about.  Well, I told him what dose of the meds I had to have last time for the upper endoscopy, he chose to not listen and as a result my knee became quite personal with his nuts.  At least he is still my doctor. (sheesh)

I am still dealing with the fact that my life expectancy is shortened because of this.  But now I am dealing with the fact that apparently it is progressing faster than any doctor on the teams (yes teams) had thought it would.  I have to go back to The Mayo Clinic next month to find out how much it has progressed.

So the medic thing.  The best thing I ever did in my adult life.  For years I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.  I had no formal education; never stayed in college; working for fast food and gas stations just wasn't cutting it for me.

Enter rollover motor vehicle crash on 5/7/1997.  Doc in the ED said the fact that I didn't have my seat belt on was probably a good thing - not that I condone it, but in some instances, not wearing it can save your life too.  3 stitches to the elbow, a distressed phone call to my parents and within a week I am living with my parents again. And working at Subway.

In walks a crew from the local volunteer ambulance company, and as you can see, the rest is history.  Met some of the most amazing people that have truly been mentors to me over the years.

I have been a medic in O-town for 8 years (with a 4 month break to see if the grass really was greener on the other side of the fence, only to find out it was over the drain field of the septic tank).  I love what I do and honestly cannot see myself doing anything else.  I will die doing what I love.

I have had the opportunity over the last 2 weeks to meet some of the most amazing people.  They have this crazy idea of making EMS better for everyone involved.  I will let them be the ones to explain it. 
The Happy Medic
Their crazy idea is called EMS2.0 and 
it is explained and tweaked via The Chronicles of EMS 

I hope to meet some more amazing people like Justin and Mark.  I know that I am on my way to seeing some really good things come to the career that I love.  As time goes on and I get to know people better, I am sure that you will see their names here too.  They have already seen mine on their blogs, and I would love nothing more than to see them here on mine.

That is my story (so far) and I am sticking to it. 

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